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Haven Bay Second Week Update

Haven Bay Second Week Update



‍Haven Bay Elementary 


Dear Parents,

Here is our weekly Haven Bay construction update. There continues to be great progress made on our school.  Here are some key areas that have been completed and worked on this week:


  • Plants, bushes and trees have been added to the landscape in the front and back of the school. It is going to be beautiful!
  • Additional sod has been laid near the road in the front.
  • The office intercom system for the hallways and classrooms is functioning along with the bells.
  • Several display cases were installed last week in hallways.
  • Today they are scheduled to work on finishing the blacktop strip in the back of the school. 
  • I was able to walk through the upper floor on Friday and it is coming together nicely.  Progress continues to be made each day.   


The metal paneling that goes about the exits outside is starting to be installed today. The first one they are working on is above the southwest door in the front.  As a safety precaution, the exit where they are working will not be used by any students.  In addition, after the final recess today, they will start preparing to lay the blacktop.  No students will exit from the back of the building today. 


One reminder, if you come to the school to check out your child please ring the bell on the right of the door in the vestibule when you enter the building.  Our Administrative Assistant or Office Aide will be happy to assist you. We are excited about the construction progress being made in our school and are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with your children. Thank you for your ongoing support!




‍Justin Skeen 


Haven Bay Elementary