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Heather Treece



I have been a counselor for 19 years and I am honored to be here at Haven Bay with you!

Previous Schools

  • East Ridge Elementary  (Ogden School District)
  • Polk Elementary (Ogden School District)

Years and Education

  • This is my 19th year as a counselor
    • 6 years in Ogden School District
    • 5 years in Juvenile Probation
    • 8 years in Juvenile Justice Services (Detention)
  • M.S. School counseling K-12
    • University of Phoenix
  • M.S. Criminal Law and Psychology
    • Weber State University

The Best Part of My Job

  • This job is more than a job for me! It is an opportunity to do meaningful work while supporting my students and their families using a holistic approach.  I get the opportunity to watch the best little humans develop and assist them in their process of self discovery.
  • Teaching student skills that will carry on throughout life to ensure they have the needed tools  to become successful adults.

My Favorites

  • I adore my husband of 24 years and my two girls ages 16 and 7! 
  • Music is a must and I love concerts!
  • I love motorcycles of any kind and have owned several through the years.
  • I went Skydiving and it was amazing!
  • I enjoy time with friends.
  • I like to be outdoors and travel.

For Fun

  • We visit the Oregon coast often because it is like living in the forest but then the beach is a short walk away so it is truly the best of both worlds.
  • Scrapbooking is a way to cherish memories I have of my family and all these fun experiences.

Random Facts

  • I do not like chickens as I am afraid they will peck my eyes out.
  • I have had pet rats and a snake.
  • I enjoy catching lizards, spiders and other small critters and exposing my girls to them.

More Information

  • Favorite books
    • Read aloud- I use books in all my social skills groups as they are a great way to get the kids to understand and relate their learning.
  • Florida Keys was one of my favorite places, jet skiing alongside the dolphins was simply amazing!
  • I have lived Utah my whole life!
  • I have a 200 lb Mastiff named Bruno..but we don’t talk about Bruno!