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Administration & Office


Tifnee Anderson

Instructional Coach

Mrs. Anderson's Favorite Quote

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think."

~Albert Einstein

Years and Education

  • This is my 29th year in education
    • 18 years Box Elder District - Preschool
    • 1 year Jordan School District
    • 10 years in Weber School District
  • M. ed Education Leadership
    • Western Governors University
  • BS Elementary Education
    • Weber State University

Grades Taught

  • 18 years  - Preschool
  • 3 years - 1st Grade
  • 1 year - 3rd Grade
  • 7 years - 4th Grade

Previous Schools

  • Haven Bay Elementary
  • Farr West Elementary
  • Roy Elementary
  • Westvale Elementary (Jordan District)
  • Park Valley School (Box Elder)

The Best Part of My Job

  • Students!
  • Colleges
  • Parents

My Favorites

  • Coke
  • Red
  • Snickers

For Fun

  • Boating
  • Kayaking
  • Skiing
  • Traveling

Random Facts

  • I love Queen Elizabeth
  • I love Dolly Parton