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Fifth Grade


Rachel Cloward

Fifth Grade Teacher

Mrs. Cloward's Favorite Quote

Life ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can GET hit and keep moving forward”

~Rocky Balboa

Years and Education

  • B.S. Elementary Education, Brigham Young University

Grades Taught

  • 10 years in 3rd grade
  • This will be my 4th year in 5th grade

Previous Schools

I have taught in Utah, Idaho, Wisconsin, Oregon, and Illinois

The Best Part of My Job

  • making connections and relationships with students and families
  • learning from students and staff
  • Always learning

My Favorites

  • sports (baseball, softball, football)
  • I like watching  all the troll movies because of all the different music
  • I love all music, because let’s be honest, there is a genre for ever moment
  • Forest green and dark purple are my favorite colors
  • I love tacos!
  • Lemonade is always a great refresher, but love drinking water
  • I love any chips, but my favorite is a plate of nachos!
  • I like hot tamales, good and plenty, and spur patch kids

For Fun

  •  I spend lots of time in the gym weightlifting
  •  I like playing sports
  •  I watch lots of sports, especially watching my kids’ games

Random Facts

  •  I can’t live without my duster! I love a clean house
  • I am probably the only person that likes peeps and black jelly beans
  • My favorite Marvel character is Thor
  • I could live off nachos
  • My favorite cereal since I was little has been Frosted Flakes
  • When watching sports I like to pretend I am the sports broadcaster