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Teacher and Student Success Plan


School Information

Name of Administrator: Justin Skeen
Name of School: Weber Online 1st-6th

Each goal must promote improved student performance and student academic achievement.

Goal #1 

  • We will increase student proficiency in math by 8% and English language arts by 8% as measured using beginning of year and end of year data supplied by a variety of math and
    ELA/literacy supplemental software tools necessary for online instruction.

Goal #1 Action Steps

  • Professional Learning ($4,000)
  • Purchase Zearn Software along with notes ($3,500)
  • Hire an aide to support in small group intervention time and track attendance ($4,500)
  • Purchase Lightbox for students to use ($2,500)
  • Purchase IXL Software ($24.50 per license) ($1,300)
  • Pay stipend for teachers to meet for collaboration ($1,000)
  • Purchase Digital Whiteboard software to facilitate student online learning ($1,000)
  • Purchase Headphones for student use in class ($800)
  • Ed. Tech Coach Stipend ($500)
  • Purchase 4-6 Acadience Math Licenses ($7.45 per license) ($200)

Goal #1 Expenditure Category

Keep in mind that expenditures may not supplant funding for existing public education programs or be used for capital expenditures.

  • School personnel stipends
  • Additional school employees
  • Technology
  • Before – or after – school programs

Goal #1 Measure of Success

Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.

  • Students will be assessed at the BOY for both literacy and math to determine individual Pathways.
  • Students will be progress monitored at least monthly with a MOY benchmark assessment to determine progress towards proficiency and the individual students pathway
    of progress.
  • Lastly, students will be assessed at EOY to determine proficiency and the individual's PoP score.

 Proposed Budget

    Goal #1 Expenditures
 Expenditure Category  Description  Estimated Cost  Actual Cost
Additional School Employees Hire an aide to work with students during classroom interventions  $4,500.00  
Professional Learning Teachers will engage in professional learning.  $4,000.00  
Software Zearn subscription with Notes  $3,500.00  
Software Lightbox  $2,500.00  
Software IXL  $1,300.00  
Software Digital Whiteboard for facilitate virtual instruction  $1,000.00  
  Purchase Headphones for student use during online class time  $800.00  
Stipend Pay an Ed. Tech Coach Stipend  $500.00  
Software Acadience Math Licenses  $200.00  
  Total  $13,800.00  


 Allocation and Carry Over   
   FY25 Allocation  $21,132.56  
   FY24 Carry Over  $0.00  
  Total  $21,132.56  
    Total Budget Expenditures  $13,800.00  $0.00
  Your allowable carry over amount for FY25  $2,113.26  

Stakeholder Involvement

Who was involved in developing this plan?

  • Educators
  • Administrators

Administrator Signature

Please type the name of the administrator submitting this application. This is considered an electronic signature for the application. By signing, the administrator agrees that the plan provided will be implemented and followed in order to reach the specified goals.

Signature : Justin Skeen          Date: 7/19/24