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Subject: First Day of School for Haven Bay Elementary Students

August 16, 2024

Dear Haven Bay Parents, Guardians and Employees,

On behalf of the school district, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation for your patience and understanding as we have worked through the process of constructing Haven Bay Elementary. After the safety inspection that took place today, August 16, we need to inform you that we will be moving forward with the plan to start Haven Bay students at Hooper and Kanesville Elementaries on Wednesday, August 21. Although Haven Bay is very near our intended occupancy, we want to avoid missing any school days. By starting on August 21, we will not have to make-up any days or extend the length of the school day for the remainder of the year.

This decision has been made to ensure that all necessary preparations are completed in the new building so that we can provide a safe and conducive learning environment for our students. We are still moving towards an occupancy date of September 3 at Haven Bay, and we will continue to send regular updates on the progress of the new school.

Classroom Preparation: Teachers will begin preparing their classrooms on Saturday, August 17 and they are excited to meet you and your children on Tuesday, August 20 at Back To School Night at their respective schools from 3:30-6:00 p.m.

Hosting Schools:

Hooper Elementary - Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 6th Grade

Kanesville Elementary - 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade

Bussing Information: Bussing routes are being finalized. Specific information will be available on the District Bus stop Locator Monday, Aug. 19, 2024.

School Schedule: The Haven Bay students will begin the school year on August 21 at Hooper and Kanesville with classes starting at 8:30 AM and ending at 3:20 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesdays are an early out schedule and students will be dismissed at 12:20 PM.

We understand that this option will require some adjustments on your part, and we appreciate your flexibility and understanding. Our primary concern is providing a safe, welcoming, and prepared environment for our students.

Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we work to finish the construction at Haven Bay Elementary.


Gina Butters, Superintendent

Dave Hales, Assistant Superintendent

Larry Hadley, Executive Director of Facilities & Operations

Mary Jo Williams, Director of Elementary Education

Kirt Swalberg, Assistant Director of Elementary Education

Justin Skeen, Principal of Haven Bay Elementary









*This letter was sent out in an email to parents on July 19, 2024 from Weber School District

July 19, 2024

Dear Haven Bay Elementary Parents, Guardians, and Employees,

We hope this letter finds you well and we hope you’re enjoying your summer break. As we approach the upcoming school year, we are providing you with an update regarding the construction progress at Haven Bay Elementary.

As previously indicated, we’ve experienced various setbacks during the course of the construction process. While we are still working towards occupancy of the building for the first day of school (August 21st) this goal may be impacted by various factors including the final inspection.

With this in mind, we wanted to send a reminder of the possible planned adjustments that could include one of the following: 

  • Beginning school on August 21st (on time) by utilizing certain areas of the new building that have been completed, inspected and approved for public use.
  • If it is determined that the school’s start date must be delayed, the plan would be to begin on the first Tuesday after the Labor Day weekend, (September 3rd). 
    • This plan would take effect if we are extremely confident that the delayed start date would be no later than Tuesday, September 3rd. A delayed start of eight days would allow us the needed time to complete mandated tasks, be awarded occupancy of the school by the Utah State Fire Marshal, and provide school staff adequate time to prepare for the arrival of students.
  • If a delay greater that two weeks were necessary:
    • We would combine the Haven Bay school community with two nearby elementary school sites for a short period of time. 

Finally, in working with our contractor, we have determined the date of August 7th to send an email with updated information. In this communication, we will share any revised timeline for the school's opening. Thank you for your understanding, patience, and continued support as we navigate these challenges. 

If you have any immediate questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Gina Butters, Superintendent

Dave Hales, Assistant Superintendent

Mary Jo Williams, Director of Elementary Education

Kirt Swalberg, Assistant Director of Elementary Education 

Justin Skeen, Principal of Haven Bay Elementary