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September 9, 2024

Dear Parents,
It was great seeing you and your children on Friday. We are so excited for tomorrow morning when we welcome our students to Haven Bay. We want to make sure each of you is familiar with the procedures coming to and from school as well as additional details.

  • School begins at 8:30 and ends at 3:20 M, T, Th, and F and 8:30-12:20 on Wed.
  • For those eating breakfast it begins at 8:10 and students will enter the front doors to go to breakfast. All other students will go to the rear of the building until the bell rings with the exception of Kindergarten students who will play in the fenced playground by the school. This area in the morning is for kindergarten students only.
  • Lunch times are as follows:
    • 11:15-1st (10:15 on Wed.)
    • 11:30- 3rd (10:30 on Wed.)
    • 11:45- 2nd (10:45 on Wed.)
    • 12:00-K (11:35 on Wed.)
    • 12:15-5th (11:15 on Wed.)
    • 12:25-4th (11:25 on Wed.)
    • 12:35-6th (11:00 on Wed.)
  • Tomorrow, our monitors will blow a whistle and students will line up at the cones with their teacher's name. Students will enter and exit through the pod where their classroom is located. 1st grade will enter the B pod and kindergarten will stay in their fenced in playground area until teachers come to get them.
  • Tomorrow we will spend a significant time teaching and practicing routines and procedures for our new building so they are really clear to students

drop off and pick up

  • When students get to school (bus, drop off, walk, etc) they will walk along the sidewalk to the west of the building (see arrows above) and play on the playgrounds until the whistle blows. The only exception is for students eating breakfast.
  • Important drop off procedures to keep it flowing smoothly for everyone:
    • Please pull all the way forward and have students ready to quickly exit on the curb. Drop off on the right at the curb and pull out to exit on the left of the drive through lane.
    • We ask you to not leave your vehicle or wait when dropping off in the morning because this will slow the process down for everyone. If you do need to get out for any reason feel free to park in the parking lot in front.
  • Students will all exit through the pods so if they are meeting a younger sibling please identify a location outside where students can meet up.
  • If your child rides a bus the information can be found on the Bus Locator.
  • Students who are walking please have a conversation with them ahead of time to make sure they are using the designated crosswalk areas.

If you are aware of anyone not receiving emails or Remind texts please let the office know and in the meantime information sent out will be posted on our website at Tomorrow, you’ll see several of our Haven Bay staff members outside in the morning with their Haven Bay shirts on helping students. We are so excited to work in our new Haven Bay community with you and your children. We can’t wait to see you in the morning. It’s going to be a great day!!


Justin Skeen