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Fifth Grade


Ashley Andersen

Fifth Grade Teacher

Mrs. Andersen's Favorite Quote

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

~Henry Ford

Years and Education

  • This will be my 4th year teaching in Weber School District
  • Masters of Education Degree, Learning and Technology
    • Western Governors University
  • B.A. Elementary Education, Grades 1-8
    • Weber State University

License and Endorsements

  • Utah Professional Educator License
    • Elementary Education Grades 1-8  
  • Endorsements
    • Math Level 2

Grades Taught

  • Fifth Grade

Previous Schools

  • Valley Elementary

The Best Part of My Job

I love getting to know my students and watching them learn and grow each day. Becoming a class community where we can support each other in reaching our common goal of continuous improvement is so rewarding. Every day is different and full of adventures!

My Favorites

  •  Treat: Anything chocolate!
  •  Fiiz Drink: Flamingo with Diet Coke
  •  Place: Positano, Italy
  •  Sports Team: Utah Jazz

For Fun

  • Gardening
  • Traveling
  • Spending time with family
  • Cooking new foods
  • Playing piano

Random Facts

  •  My classroom plants are my babies!
  •  Naps definitely make the day better.
  •  I always win card games. (That’s why my husband won’t play with me anymore.)
  •  I have an irrational fear of spiders (Usually my students have to get rid of them for me.)
  • Math tends to make me really excited.