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Lori Jo Wilcox

Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. Wilcox's Favorite Quote

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better, and your better is BEST!"

~St. Jerome

Years and Education

  • This is my 14th year teaching
  • Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education Weber State University
  • Certificate of Mastery LETRS

Grades Taught

11 years in Kindergarten and 2 years in First Grade

Previous Schools

  • Hooper Elementary 
  • Lakeside Elementary (Davis School District

The Best Part of My Job

I love connections with students and their families.

My Favorites

  •  Family Time
  •  Diet Dr Pepper
  •  Mexican Food & Movies
  •  Snickers, Popcorn, Peanut Butter M&M’s & Red Licorice
  •  Horses, Bees & Cats
  •  Black & Yellow
  •  Snapdragons & Succulents
  •  Mowing grass, vacuuming & Retail Therapy Time

For Fun

  • Family Dinners & Parties
  • I am a GRANDMA! I love time with my grandchildren!
  • Any Beach

Random Facts

  • I’ve lived in Hooper nearly all my life. Much of my childhood was spent on the back of a horse. Horses were my first love after my daddy. I had the dream of being Miss Rodeo Utah. I achieved that goal in 1990 and received scholarships to WSU that helped me fulfill another lifetime goal of being a kindergarten teacher. Being Miss Rodeo Utah and getting the honor to represent Utah and to wear a crown and buckle with a bee and a beehive is the reason for my love of bees and my classroom theme. 
  • I love and enjoy teaching power tumbling. I have run my own tumbling business for the last 39 years.I have been very blessed with the families/students I have met over the years. 
  • l live in Hooper with my husband, Bryce. I have four fabulous children: Brock (wife: Bailey, Rachel Jo, Walker & Hayden.  I love my adorable grandsons: Benjamin & Baylor and my sweet granddaughter Brentley Jo.  I LOVE spending time with my family!
Mrs. Wilcox

Mrs. Wilcox