Haven Bay PTA Meeting Minutes
Nov 7, 2024
2024-2025 Board
President: Shay Robinson
Treasurer: Kristin Peterson
Secretary: Sandy Green
Teacher Rep: Heather Treece
Attendance: Shay Robinson, Ashley Cowlishaw, Sandy Green, Carly Essig, Kylee Marsh, Katie Jex, Camille Sanders, Kristin Zamora, Justin Skeen, Heather Treece, Karlee Porter, Christie Crookston
Welcome: Shay Robinson
Reading and Approval of minutes: Sandy Green
- Sandy read the minutes. Kristin Zamora motioned to approve minutes, Carly Essig seconded. All were in agreement.
Treasurer’s Report: Shay Robinson
$200.00 Memberships
+ $5,041.27 from community involvement (t-shirts, bookfair)
Total: $5241.27
$297.31 General and Admin
$6456.43 Community Involvement (bookfair, t-shirts, ptc meals)
+ $80.00 Membership dues
Total: $6833.74
Total in budget $8,796.39
Membership report: Shay Robinson
- We started the month with 19 memberships, we ended it with 22. 6 are teachers. We want to do some sort of membership drive as well. We can send home a paper about signing up for PTA info as well.
Book Fair: Shay Robinson
- We made $4,107.05 in scholastic dollars from the bookfair. We will give volunteers scholastic money that volunteered for this last book fair and the upcoming book fair and then some money to the teachers. We won’t be able to do birthday books for students this year but hopefully we will be able to in the future.
Principal Report: Justin Skeen
- Open House: Dec 3rd will be the open house and ribbon cutting from approximately 5:30-7pm. Mr Skeen has to verify that we can sell things for the PTA and have a sign up. We would like a balloon arch and we want it to be inviting and welcoming. We will have a cookie table. We want a committee for the open house. Ashley Cowlishaw, Karlee Porter, Kylee Marsh, and Shay Robinson will be on that.
- We talked about having Shay talk at the Open House and give an update of a few things about PTA and the fundraiser and what we want to accomplish this year for the school to excite parents and inform them.
- Kids have been super excited about moving into their new rooms. They love the library. Next week 5th and 6th grades will be moving into their classes. There is still a lot of touch up that needs to be done but they are getting close.
Halloween Parade: Justin Skeen
- The parade went well. We had a great turn out. Sandy mentioned that parents were sure if they were allowed to sit. Maybe we can rope it off on both sides. Also someone else mentioned having the classes hold a sign so parents know what class is coming, especially if the grades aren’t in order. Parents liked the shortness of the walk and the pacing of the kids.
Staff Report: Heather Treece
- She sent a reminder email to teachers to sign up for PTA. She listed the perks to get them excited. They did the Panorama Survey this year. Third through sixth took it. It is a social emotional survey. 90% of students took the survey. It is helpful information for the school so changes can be made if they need to. Results will come in a week or so.
New Business: Shay Robinson
- T-shirts we bought 100 extra to sell at the open house. We will do another order so we can send them before Christmas hopefully.
- We will have spirit days on Friday and we will do treats randomly once a month.
- Nov 13th Picture Retakes. The deliverers got the wrong address and so it was sent back to the company so we should get them before retake day. If you have a shutterfly account then they send you a copy through email.
- We are doing a wreath for Christmas Tree Jubilee
- This year teachers are in charge of parties and getting volunteers etc
- Next book fair is Feb 10-13th. We want to do something in conjunction with the book fair like “Lunch with Loved Ones” so that we aren’t excluding anyone. If we let them come to lunch then we don’t have to spend PTA money to do the activity. We will want to do an RSVP and encourage them to have school lunch with their kids. Breakfast was an idea to do as well. We don’t want the school to lose the funding because so much outside food was coming in for those.
- Karlee Porter said she would be willing to do a Newsletter to get info out to parents.
- What activities do we really want? Sandy brought up Junior Achievement and many said they would love that if we could work it out with the school. Red and White Ribbon week won’t be done this year because the teachers have to teach a specific curriculum already.
Fundraiser: Shay Robinson/Katie Jex
- Hoping that Feb 7th is enough of a cushion from Christmas that we can earn money. If we don’t get the funds we need then the school could do a no fuss fundraiser later. The school really doesn’t have any funds for field trips. Katie has a big booster meeting next Wednesday so we need to find out what we really need money for.
Skate Night/Restaurant: Kristin Zamora
- Classic Skate Night Nov 20th 5-9pm and March 24th. We will also have a skate night at Neptune Skating Jan 9th. It will be a beach theme as far as we know. Neptune is completely free.
- Restaurant Nights schools receive a 20-25% percentage of proceeds they make. We decided only once a month.
Choir: Shay Robinson
- The school is wanting to do a choir and wanting 2 parent volunteers for crowd control. We are thinking 4-6th or 5th-6th. He does have a couple teachers that will be in charge. We need more details from the school about when and how long.
Open House Fundraising: Karlee Porter
- Along with t-shirts Karlee has designed some stickers and pins to sell. We discussed selling just one commemorative pin that says Haven Bay and est. 2024 on it since it is a historical year. Pins would cost $3 each. We would need to order 100 to get that price. We talked about selling the pins for $8 or $10. Sandy suggested $8 because people are more likely to buy if it isn’t double digits. Stickers are $0.30 and come in a roll. Karlee would do different colors and sayings. We would sell the stickers: one for $2 or a pack of 8 for $15.
Dates to be aware of:
Nov 13th picture retakes
Nov 20th Classic Skate Night
Nov 27th-29th No School
Dec 3rd Haven Bay Open House
Dec 20th Early Out
Dec 23rd-Jan 1st No School
Jan 9th Next PTA Meeting
Meeting was adjourned at 10:20.