2024 – 2025 Trust Lands Plan
Goal 1 - Reading and Math
- Of all K-6 grade students, 60% will achieve "typical," "above," or "well above" growth by the end of the 2025 school year according to the Acadience Pathways of Progress end-of-year assessments for math and reading.
Identify the measurement(s) you will use to determine if you are making progress towards the goal.
- The Acadience test is being used during the 23-24 school year to monitor math and growth and proficiency. The middle-of- year composite score for each grade level is below the district average in both math and reading, with the middle-of-year growth scores for five of the seven grade levels are currently below the district goal. Measures to be Used: Acadience math and reading assessment (district-provided).
Outline the steps of the action plan to reach this goal.
- Teachers will continue to progress monitor Acadience math and reading assessments. ($0).
- Teachers will continue to provide tier 2 support during live small sessions via Google Meets ($0).
- Students will continue to access their primary and supporting mathematics curriculum using their Chromebooks ($7900).
Budget Allocation
Summary of Estimated Expenditures
Category |
Estimated Cost |
Rental of technology devices - Step number 3 - Chromebook rental |
$7,900.00 |
Total |
$7,900.00 |
Funding Estimates
Estimates |
Totals |
Carry-over from 2022-2023 |
$14,052.26 |
Distribution for 2023-2024 |
$9,228.62 |
Total Available Funds for 2023-2024 |
$23,280.88 |
Estimated Funds to be Spent in 2023-2024 |
Estimated Carry-over from 2023-2024 |
$1,280.88 |
Estimated Distribution for 2024-2025 |
$6,679.46 |
Total Available Funds for 2024-2025 |
$7,960.34 |
Summary of Estimated Expenditures for 2024-2025 |
$7,900.00 |
Estimated Carry-over to 2025-2026 |
$60.34 |
The Estimated Distribution is subject to change if student enrollment counts change.
School Plan Approved
School Plan Approval Details
Submitted By: Nick Harris
Submit Date: 2024-04-19
Admin Reviewer: Paula Plant
Admin Review Date: 2024-04-23
LEA Reviewer: Kirt Swalberg
LEA Approval Date: 2024-04-23
Board Approval Date: 2024-04-10