Haven Bay PTA Meeting Minutes
Jan 9, 2025
2024-2025 Board
President: Shay Robinson
Treasurer: Kristin Peterson
Secretary: Sandy Green
Teacher Rep: Heather Treece
Attendance: Sandy Green, Kristin Peterson, Kylee Marsh, Katie Jex, Kristin Zamora,
Olivia Lott, Justin Skeen, Shay Robinson, Carrie Brunelle, Ashley Cowlishaw, Carly
Essig, Brandall Ferrin
Welcome: Shay Robinson
Reading and Approval of minutes: Sandy Green
- Sandy read the minutes. Kristin Zamora motioned to approve minutes, Carly Essig seconded. All were in agreement.
Treasurer’s Report/Amending/Training: Kristin Peterson
- At end of November we had $9,687.67
- In December
$80.00 Memberships
+ $2113.84 from community involvement (shirts, pins and stickers)
Total: $11,881.54
$46.41 General and Admin (fees)
$2629.04 Community Involvement (pins, stickers, and shirts)
+ $60.00 Membership dues
Total: $2735.45
Total in budget $9,146.45
- Things we need to remember as we work as a PTA: We need to remember our Ethics and Conflict of interests. When we are working with a business we need to make sure there isn’t a conflict of interest and we need to vote as a membership on what is the best financially and ethically for the PTA. This money is the students’ so we need to make sure we are doing our part and be fiscally responsible. No one under 18 years old can deal with the money and they need to sign all the PTA forms allowing them to deal with PTA money. We need to
make sure we vote on any decisions made.
- Amending the budget: Added a line item for Christmas Tree Jubilee $50 and we subtracted $50 from spirit days so now it will be $150. Kristin Peterson motioned to approve. Carly Essig seconded. All were in favor and motion passed.
Membership report: Kristin Peterson
We had 9 more members
Principal Report: Justin Skeen
- He expressed his appreciation for the help with the Open House. We had a great turn out. Over about 500 came. The PTA is critical for support of the school and supporting students and taking care of the needs they have.
- For the fundraiser, we need funds but don’t want to tax the parents too much by doing more than one. The school and PTA will split the funds. Booster will do it for us and send half to school and half to PTA. If we don’t receive enough money the school will do another one. Ideally we would love it if we could get at least $20,000. $10,000 for the school and $10,000 for PTA.
Fundraiser: Katie Jex
Jan 13 Sign up on Booster.com
Jan 27 Fundraiser Kickoff
Feb 7 Dance-a-thon
- Incentives for kids: All kids that register by Jan 31st will get to wear pajamas to school.Top class per grade: we can let the teachers help us decide: Movie day, ice cream party, extra recess. Class/es that gets 100% registration could get stickers or the larger spirit treat.
- Top class and top earning student/s will get to turn Mr. Skeen into a Human Sundae.
- The teacher that raises the most money, or a certain dollar amount, booster usually sends a prize. In the past it was an ipad.
- We are raising money for field trips, stem rooms, class parties, and family activities.
- Kids will get a lanyard with a qr code to sign up this year. This is new this year.
- Teacher incentive: Minky blanket, $100 gift card, $50 gift card. We will let the top winner choose if they want the minky or the gift card to a place of their choosing. Top 3 classes the teacher will get those.
- Meeting with teachers will be the first 10min of their meeting on Jan 22nd 12:40pm.
- We also want to make sure we tell kids to bring water that day. We could provide water (large orange cooler) and cups in case they forget. We will also purchase granola bars for students to eat after (make sure we have a box of gluten and nut free).
- Kick off assembly 2:30 Jan 27th.
Skate Night: Kristin Zamora
- Jan 16 Neptune Skate Night 5-8
- Make sure we send more info out earlier and repeatedly
Teacher Dinner: 6th at 4pm
Book Fair: Kristin Peterson
- March 3-7 “lunch with loved ones” any day during the 3rd - 7th. We will send out google form
- Kids can go into the book fair only if they have adults with them during lunch.
Nominating Committee: Carly Essig, Kylee Marsh, Ash Cowlishaw
- Carrie Brunelle said she would be communication/social media VP next year.
Construction on 5100 W: Shay
- Starts Feb 3rd 4000 to 3575 S Doing walking path over President’s Day. Past 3575 S will be local traffic only.
- Filling in the ditches in that area
Dates to be aware of:
Jan 9th PTA Meeting
Jan 10 No School
Jan 13 Sign up on Booster.com
Jan 16 Neptune Skate Night
Jan 20 No School
Jan 27 Fundraiser Kickoff
Feb 5-7 PTC early out 1:20
Feb 6 Next PTA meeting
Feb 7 Dance-a-thon
Feb 14 No School
Feb 17 No School
Meeting adjourned: 10:25